
Archive for the ‘Family’ Category


Just got back from movie session with my family, or rather the first movie session with my family. Yup, it’s the first time that the whole family is out for a movie, sounds kind of like a anti-social family. Anyway, 2012 ain’t really a good movie to catch for our very first time, watching the end of the world unfolding. With regards to the movie, it is as depressing as it can get, watching people die in every way possible, and in the end, less than 1% of the human population survive, and then add in your typical hollywood plot with the protagonist surviving the apocalypse with impossible stunts and kick ass graphics, an excuse to visit the cinema to worsen your hearing. It’s been a good day, to better appreciate my surroundings, my family, to enjoy. Life, this is probably what life should be, to do what I want with my freedom, with my very loved ones. Now is the break before next year, which is going to be a tough but nevertheless enjoyable! Life’s good now, so cherish it, with smiles =: D


` Tomorrow tomorrow!

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People say that with every new life comes a death, a form of balance that mother nature has created for itself. Yet how does new life gratify the need for death to claim a member of one’s family, a new life that may be unknown, a new life that may be wasted and not appreciated in future. Even though death will eventually take it’s place, must it come knocking by the door with so much hurt, such tremendous pain that it can cause to an individual and family, is it every fair? To live a day counting on to how many days that may be left, why cant those last days be glorious, beautiful, pretty in a sense that mind and body can function as one, performing menial task that we take for granted. Magnificent in a way how complex our body is, and yet how it in turn fails in all complexity, like dominos toppling one after another, forming an artistic image or more of a mess. In heaps or in scraps, these individual dominos will still carry an image that represent a part of life, dominos that can be kept, in the mind or in the soul, dominos that one can reflect upon. Before all dominos fall, hopefully those impacts from individual falls can be cushioned, and capture all thats left, in peace. Just in peace, I will let go.

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